
Kids Movie Review of the "Angry Birds" Movie

Summer Movie Fun!

By Cameron and Jordan, ages 6 and 4 June 2, 2016
This week we decided to celebrate the beginning of summer with a movie at our local theatre. After the movie I had asked the kids a few questions to share their thoughts on the movie with my readers. Here are the questions with their responses. Keep in mind that Cameron is 6 and Jordan is 4 and I wrote down exactly word for word their responses. I have to say that I am shocked that these tow actually caught the storyline and found some learning lessons in the movie. Here goes:
1. Did you enjoy the movie?
  • C- I loved it
  • J-Yes, yes
2. What was your favorite part of the movie? 
  • C-When they asked Red how he was doing and he said, “oh, I’m TERRIBLE!” because he couldn’t get on the island.
  • J-When Bomb was bouncing on the trampoline and he bounced too high and the pigs were under the trampoline.
3. What didn’t you like about the movie? 
  • C- The people in the village didn’t believe Red or have faith in him.
  • J-The same as Cam because I felt bad they didn’t respect him and they didn’t believe him.
4. What was the movie about? 
  • C-The Angry Birds were trying to save the eggs that the pigs had stolen. They learned to work together and find a way to save them.
  • J-Angry Birds and their eggs and hatching and their parents. And they are birds but they don’t fly so they have to fly by a sling shot.
5. Who was your favorite character? 
  • C-Bomb
  • J-Chuck and Terrance
6. Was the movie what you expected?
  • C- more exciting than I thought it would be.
  • J-more exciting
7. What is odd about Angry Birds? 
  • C-Angry Birds do not fly because they must not have the right amount of feathers. So they have to use sling shots if they have to fly. 
  • J- Bomb got his name because when he gets super angry he blows up like a bomb.
8. What did the birds learn as the movie went on? 
  • C-That they should have believed Red and if they all worked together they could save the eggs.
  • J-That it was funner if they were friends.
9. Who was the hero? 
  • C– Red, because he had a plan to save the eggs from the mean pigs. He saved the eggs so they could get back to their families which made them all happy.
  • J- Same as Cam
10. Would you recommend this move to other kids? 
  • C-yes, definitely
  • J-yes, I loved it!
I have to say that the movie was cute. It gave hope by watching the angry birds work together. Red, a bird character is always angry because of situations that he gets into. As he goes to Anger Management classes he meets a couple other characters with anger as well.  As the movie progresses he realizes that he needs to help his friends. He bands together with other birds and becomes a hero. In doing so it not only changed the way others viewed him but it changed his own attitude in life. With a plan, and a strong work ethic, and faith, you can accomplish anything.  

Jodi Lorence
Macaroni Kid Publisher