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Spring Time Bird Craft

By Jodi Lorence, Macaroni Publisher Mom March 31, 2016
These colorful friends will add some color to your homes just in time for spring. The kids had great creativity with their birds and were very proud of the finished products.                                                                                                                        
White Card stock (or you could cut the center out of a white paper plate)
water color paints 
various colors of ribbon for the tail cut in 3-4 inch lengths
wiggly eyes


1. Find a plate to cut a big circle out of your piece of cardstock (or cut the center out of a white paper plate).

2.Cut a beak out of the excess cardstock.

3. Paint the circular cardstock for the bird's body and the beak and let dry.

4. Fold the circle in half.
5. Glue each end of your ribbons together for the tail.

6. With the flat sided bird body up glue the tail feathers inside the body (as pictured) and glue the two sides of the body together.
7. Glue the beak and the googly eyes on the bird.
8. Glue feathers on the birds body.
9. Attach a piece of ribbon to the back as a loop if you want to hang your bird. 
10. Enjoy!